Facts About Marilyn Monroe Revealed

Zasebno je bila Monroe kljub postopku lo?itve še vedno v zvezi z DiMaggiom, hodila pa je tudi z Marlonom Brandom in dramatikom Arthurjem Millerjem.[87] Zveza s slednjim je po lo?itvi od DiMaggia oktobra 1955 postala resna in tudi Miller se je takrat lo?il.It had been her relationship to Miller that lasted the longest. In the course of the interval

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Rogue One Movie Review

The 8th movie in the Star Wars series.. or 9th, if you count the holiday special, is not an episode! Or is episode 3 and a half. Either way, it is the film version of the text from the original movie, where rebels steal the plans to the Death Star. Of course, the text left out horror movie reviews that part about the ninja and (blog post) the super

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Fire Down Below Movie Review

Long time no see, Seagal. This week, we take a look at the final movie of a set produced by Warner Bros as a contract deal with Steven Seagal. As it did extremely poorly, they weren't too keen to sign him up for any more (blog post) films after this. However, what is the (blog) quality of said (blog) movie?Source: Fire Down Below Movie Review - Dec

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A failed attempt: Puppet Master (horror movie) critique.

David Schmoeller was the director of the 1989 American horror movie Puppet Master, also known as The Puppet Master and Puppet Master. The screenplay was composed by Charles Band and Kenneth J. Hall, and the movie was made at the United States. In the movie, Paul Le Mat, Irene Miracle, Matt Roe, and Kathryn O'Reilly play a group of psychics who have

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About Me

What's up, I'm Marcellus. I enjoy watching cult films and playing first person shooter games. I enjoy thrifting and finding unique clothing and accessories. Although I'm a fashionista in a way, my style tends to be casual. It is important for me to explore new things and spend time Movie Reviews with my friends. We love to go bowling or the arcade.

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